Nutriplus Farmasi Chicory coffee

Nutriplus Farmasi Chicory coffee (instant only) 

Good morning everyone, Happy Wednesday. It has been a very long time since I have made a blog post, So I am working really hard to get back into it. With that being said I would like to tell you all about a Brand new product that Farmasi launched on June 1st; say hello to Farmasi Nutriplus Chicory coffee. This is our very first product that is part of our health and wellness portion of my website. I will now explain more about what this is. 

- Nutriplus Chicory coffee is a vegan sourced coffee that is grown in India. 

- It is blended with Chicory root to create delicious instant coffee, you will enjoy in every cup

- It has an excellent source of  minerals; like magnesium and zinc. plus antioxidants like Vitamin C&D. 

- Nutriplus Chicory coffee is also a good source of inulin which is a probiotic fiber that supports weight control and gut health. 

- Our coffee has 60% less caffeine than regular coffee, and it has a slightly wood and nutty flavor that you will enjoy in a hot or cooled in your favorite iced coffee drink

How to Use: 

- Add 2 tablespoons of Chicory coffee to your favorite cup 

- Add your favorite sweetener, creamer or milk and enjoy 

- Recommended serving size is 2 tablespoons per 8 ounces of hot water, you can add more or less depending on your preference


Once you try this coffee you will love it. It is so much healthier than most of the coffees we drink now. I personally can not wait to try this coffee myself. 


Try yours today, visit sponsor code: 0489091



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